"The Dagger" is the first in a mystical, magical series featuring three generations of powerful, headstrong witches from the Madigan family. The family struggles to work together to keep a centuries-old promise. One leg in the real world, one in the magical, Bridget Madigan is a young detective working in Boston. Even though she has sworn never to use magic again, she caves to watch a flashback from the murder. She never dreamed her findings would implicate her own blood.
Reviewed by Susan Sewell for Readers' Favorite
5 Stars
The Dagger (The Madigan Chronicles Book 1) by Marieke Lexmond is a sensational urban fantasy. With thrilling scenes, a dramatic story arc, and an astounding conclusion, the book is riveting from the first page until the last. A captivating novel with an engaging plot and exciting action-filled scenes that include witches, spells,
and a trip through the fairy world, it is an enthralling tale that is the perfect book to curl up with during inclement weather. Entertaining and superbly written, it is an enchanting novel that will captivate fans of urban fantasy who enjoy stories with magic related to witches in our modern era. As the first episode in what promises to be a spectacular series, fans of paranormal urban fantasy will not want to miss this thrilling new series.
Reviewed by Lesley Jones for Readers' Favorite
5 Stars
The Dagger by Marieke Lexmond is an exceptional story filled with excitement and non-stop action. I loved all of the characters in the story; they were unique, well-developed, and definitely memorable. The author's amazing ability for storytelling and descriptive narrative brought everything to life. Lucy was an amazing character, so vengeful and calculating, and because she had no thought for others, this always gave her the upper hand. Tara's loyalty to her sister was unquestionable and she was fearlessly protective of those close to her. There are so many obstacles the Madigan women have to maneuver through as Lucy unleashes her powers against them. I thought the plots twists were brilliant; the story never once lost its intrigue or magic. There are so many different relationships that are developed brilliantly throughout.
Family feuds are resolved as past betrayals and deceptions are confronted. The storyline really highlights the rivalry within families and reminds us to treasure loved ones and not take them for granted. I will never look at a deck of tarot cards in the same way again.
Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite
5 Stars
Witches in the modern world is a beloved story concept and Marieke Lexmond gives it a fresh, exciting premise through the first book of The Madigan Chronicles. The Dagger takes readers to a number of places such as Boston, New Orleans, Utah, and most fascinatingly, the fairy realm. The world-building is a solid combination of the real world and an otherworldly kingdom ruled by a powerful being. I was immediately invested in the depth of the plot and the complex characters. It’s not just about the conflict between witches but also about mending one’s familial relationships. Bridget Madigan has to balance her role as a detective, as a family member of powerful witches, and as a woman who wants to live her own way of life. It's a complicated matter especially when she is handed a responsibility that she's not quite ready to handle. Some unwise decisions were made, causing hurtful consequences to the Madigan family but their bond kept them together to confront any obstacles. Lexmond's clear narrative keeps the plot engaging and tense, and one of my favorite scenes is when Luna - Bridget’s mother - releases a significant number of souls trapped in a witch’s table. Simply put, The Dagger is an enjoyable read with an intriguing ending that promises another thrilling adventure of the witches in the sequel to The Madigan Chronicles.
Reviewed by Vincent Dublado for Readers' Favorite
5 Stars
The members of the Madigan family are well-developed as individuals and you are even provided with a family tree to trace the lineage of the family’s earliest witches and warlocks. The family’s legacy as custodians of a powerful artifact is explored at
the start of the novel, and how it causes a domestic turmoil that leads to ostracism. Some readers may find the concept of a protagonist who resolves never to use her powers, yet uses it at the end as circumstances push her to do so, as clichéd. That said, The Dagger does have a unique charm and an original take on the main character, as she is progressive, headstrong, and positively determined. The plot does have its own appeal with the importance of family in its theme. Lexmond’s first installment has plenty to offer with its ability to build tension and characters that you will be willing to invest in.