About the author
He was Abu ‘Abdir-Rahmaan ‘Abdus-Salaam Ibn Burjiss Ibn Naasir Aali ‘Abdil-Kareem. He was born in Riyadh in 1387H as confirmed in his personal identity card. He was raised under the care of his parents, and their home was a place of religiousness and righteousness. Ever since his youth, the Shaykh was intelligent, determined, diligent, and hard-working.He studied at the hands of a number of scholars such as:
The Imaam and great scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn ‘Abdillaah Ibn Baaz (D. 1420H), may Allaah have mercy on him, whom he accompanied for a period of time, attending a number of his lessons, particularly his classes on Bulooghul-Maraam of Ibn Hajr, Tafseer Ibn Katheer, and other books.
Also, the scholar of Fiqh and Usool, Muhammad Ibn Saalih Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (D. 1421H); may Allaah have mercy on him. Shaykh ‘Abdus-Salaam travelled to him between the years 1401H and 1403H during the regular school breaks. He also maintained close contact with him when Shaykh Muhammad began his classes in al-Masjidul-Haraam in Makkah in 1402H. He also lived with him before he accompanied the Shaykh and his family to Makkah. This also includes the other times he spent with him. He studied Kitaab at-Tawheed with him, as well as Al-‘Aqeedah al¬-Waasitiyyah and some statements from Zaad al-Mustaqni’ on Fiqh, al-Ajaroomiyyah on grammar, Shaykh Muhammad’s abridgement of Al-Qawaa’id of Ibn Rajab, and almost half of Saheeh al¬-Bukhaaree.
Dr. ‘Abdus-Salaam Ibn Burjiss Ibn Naasir Aali ‘Abdil-Kareem died on the 3rd of Dhul-Hijjah 1425 (14th January 2005).