The City Cat – A Christmas Story
A little girl named Kali travels to the city from the country with her dad to purchase a Christmas gift for her mom. That's when she sees the gigundo, matted city cat in an alley. She wants to shout out, "STOP" so she could rescue the cat, but she was afraid her dad would get angry.
However, that city cat was planning on heading to the countryside in search of the true meaning of Christmas. He had heard other city cats claim it can be found there. He makes it to the country and is sadly greeted by countryside animals that are afraid of the big, matted, and huge city cat. Discouraged he starts his return to the city. On his way, the wind and snow pick up. It's a blizzard! As he walks along, he comes across a baby mouse who chased a snowflake and is now lost. The blizzard made it impossible to find the baby mouse's home. The city cat knew he had to save the baby mouse's life. So, he surrounded him with his matted fur. The baby mouse was taught that cats eat mice. He thought the city cat ate him. Soon he heard the most relaxing sound. The purr of the cat. He snuggled up into the cat's warm fur and soon fell fast asleep. The next day when the snow settled, all the countryside animals gathered and blamed the city cat for eating the baby mouse. Then 'pop', out of the snow came a yawning and stretching baby mouse. The baby mouse told them the entire story and how the city cat saved his life.
Sadly, they realized the city cat didn't survive the blizzard. He risked his life for the baby mouse. The animals were sad that they were mean to the cat. He really was in search of the true meaning of Christmas. The city cat told the baby mouse that he NEVER thought he was loved because no one ever gave him a name. They all called out names but the one they chose is the baby mouse's. They decide to call him, Maxamillion because he's worth a million dollars. And, his nickname will be, Max. Each year animals everywhere will retell his story so Max will live on forever.
Fast forward… Kali arrives home with her dad with moms Christmas present. To find out what happened, read the end of the story. You will be amazed!