在这本书里我收集了我自己和一些其他作者针对美国枪支管制和美国华人拥枪的文章,从历史,政治, 社会, 人文和法律的角度,希望能给读者一个完整的解说。我写这本书的目的绝不是想把我自己的观点强加给读者。每个人的观点, 无论你自认为有多正确,都会存在偏颇的地方,包括我自己。 我的一个原则是兼听则明,只有听到不同的观点,才能做出相对正确的结论。我欢迎读者联系我对书中阐述的问题展开讨论。
Through multiple articles written over the years, in this book, the author discussed the history of gun ownership in the US, the political battles over the gun right, the society and human reactions to gun violence and gun right, and the Second Amendment and other legal battles and cases regarding gun rights, self-defense, and police duty, etc. The main goal of this book is to educate the Chinese community in the US about the history, politics and law regarding US gun ownership, so that the people in the Chinese community can make the right choice.