About the author
John Derhak is a writer, storyteller, and historian, who spends his time between Maine and Florida, and all places in between. In the case of the former, mostly to rejuvenate, relax, kickback, and write. In the case of the latter, mostly to avoid black fly season, frigid arctic blasts, and find calm on a tropical beach to write.
His general interests include but are not limited to: History of plumbing. The feel of a new pen. The aurora borealis. Popular uprisings. Baseball. A bottle of good red wine. Fine cigars. Sons. Family. Friends. The beach. Imagination. Astral projection. Common Sense. A stand of pines. Moose. Prime numbers. Pooches. The Red Sox nation. The Patriots. Gnarly Barley Ale. A pint of Guiness. Czech Pilsners. Aureolas. Curves. A passionate interlude. Mountains. Wilderness. The urban jungle. moe., jazz, bluegrass, the standards, and rock 'n roll. The higher stages of the barbarian culture. P.T. Barnum as philosopher-king. Grilled Asparagus. The buzz with onomatopoeia.
The Bones of Lazarus, his third work of fiction, is a very dark comedy and supernatural thriller (2012).
Chill Your Cockles (2009), a collection of haunting tales, is his second work of fiction.
Tales from the moe.Republic, his first novel, a Pulitzer Prize contender for fiction, was released in 2007.