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Book details
  • SubGenre:Discrimination
  • Language:English
  • Pages:92
  • eBook ISBN:9781483594453
  • Paperback ISBN:9781483594446

The Black and White Myth

"Come Together and Break Free"

by John Eppolito

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Come together and break free from the black and white prison called American society. There's an eight thousand pound black and white elephant in the room that no one seems to acknowledge. Anyone who has been paying attention now realizes that words affect us way more than we could have ever imagined. The terms black people and white people are no acceptions to the rule. In fact, those very terms are the epitome of how words affect society negatively. 

Come together and break free from the black and white prison called American society. There's an eight thousand pound black and white elephant in the room that no one seems to acknowledge. Anyone who has been paying attention now realizes that words affect us way more than we could have ever imagined. The terms black people and white people are no acceptions to the rule. In fact, those very terms are the epitome of how words affect society negatively. 

The truth is, we have all been lied to, told from the day we were born that we are either victims or villains. The system is unwitty designed to divide, shame and guilt us. You can't have people labeled as complete opposites and expect them not to segregate, human beings don't work that way. 

The reality is that we are all the same color just lighter and darker shades of it. So join the fight to make it politically incorrect to address one another as black or white.  African Americans and European Americans both have a lot on the line here and the only way to move forward is to unite in a very public way. 

Today, in a time labeled by the press as racialized America; we need something like this, a reason to unite, a way to heal. A time to "come together and break free." 
About the author
John Eppolito has seen and lived on both sides of Americain society, from homeless and strung out on the streets of Harlem in the 90's, to clean and well off in Palm Beach in the 2000's. Through these experiences and more, not to mention years of research, he created the book "The Black and White Myth." 
John Eppolito is also a Musician and 3D Artist. He created the cover and all the artwork in the book. Also, he wrote and performed the song and soundtrack in The Black and White Myth video that can be found on youtube. All this is to convey the message that we must stop teaching our child to see in black and white.