The title of my novel is ‘The Awakening of Andrew McAllister’. I believe it could fit comfortably into the new-age genre or just as easily be called fantasy-adventure or just fiction. The book draws upon the historical legend of the ‘Pahana’. The Pahana is the long awaited ‘Lost White Brother’ of the Hopi, a Native American people who dwell in the pueblos of the high mesa’s of north eastern Arizona.
According to prophecy, upon the return of the Pahana from the East, the wicked will be destroyed and a ‘new-age’ of peace will be ushered into the world. I believe this novel has an interesting ‘end-times’ appeal, it should be successful as it relates to the current world situation we find ourselves in. Wars and rumors of wars abound along with a fascination in many quarters with new age concepts and conscious raising.
The myth of the hero is an old and enduring one and I believe I have used it to good effect…although in this particular instance the hero is most definitely not what many have come to expect! Visions and ceremony come to life in the protagonist’s world with many unexpected consequences! Our ‘hero’ is as much anti-hero as hero and the reader is left to ponder this for himself at the amazing conclusion of the story.
If then, the true motives of our hero are called into question, the bigger riddle becomes ‘is the novel to be taken seriously in its ‘message’ or is it simply a satirical farce?