Scott Edward Smith is co-author of the book, Reel People: Finding Ourselves in the Movies, a psychological examination of personality disorders throughout the history of film. As a writer he has experience in theater, film, and television encompassing limited series, solo performance work, novel to screen adaptation, episodic television. Scott’s most recent project is the highly acclaimed podcast audio drama series, Intimate Fame, a series of one-person historical character dramas reimagining iconic characters of the past. Creating for the audience a “fly-on-the-wall” experience with some of the most fascinating people in history.
ABOUT THE ARTIST: Born in 1983 in Santa Fe of Chicano and Ute descent, John Paul ("JP") Granillo coped with the inner and outer chaos of his childhood by immersing himself in his art. He was convicted of New Mexico's largest bank robbery in 2004 and spent the entirety of his 20s in maximum security prison, including 18 months in solitary confinement. While incarcerated, he honed his craft as an artist, infusing his drawings with bold Chicanx iconography and symbolic imagery of his family roots. Upon his release from prison in 2013 and while still on parole, JP began organizing and leading community-based mural art projects. His work today is largely concerned with elevating marginalized voices, in particular youth and young adults seeking hope and direction and to use collective mural art as a conduit for healing. His vast range of artistic practice (mural art, stone sculptures, and individual acrylic and oil paintings) all seek to give life to under-represented historical narratives and perspectives and to foster pride in Chicanx culture. JP received the Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's 2023 "40 Under 40" award. His work has been displayed at the Museum of International Folk Art, El Museo Cultural, El Museo de Los Americas in Denver, CO, and in private galleries across the country. Countless walls in city parks and public and private buildings across Santa Fe are adorned with his murals. John Paul Granillo's story has been featured in the Santa Fe Reporter (2020), Santa Fe Magazine (2023) and New Mexico Magazine (2024). For two consecutive years, JP was awarded First Place in Best of Show at the Spanish Contemporary Hispanic Market. He is a Philadelphia Mural Arts awardee for climate activism. He has served as a member of the City of Santa Fe Carter Review Commission, the Sante Fe Housing Trust Board, and the Monte del Sol Board President (2024), and the Santa Fe City Council Advisory Board.