The Accidental Entrepreneur
There’s magic between these pages! No, not the abracadabra, magic wand rabbit out of the hat magic. Real magic. The kind that can only come from you as you discover a world where you transform your abilities, creativity and talents into a part-time business where your imagination and willingness to work hard can make a better life for you and perhaps your family, and literally transform your lives in a short time.
Here you will find more than 30 tested, detailed, no nonsense ways to start a part-time, business, some home-based, others at your client’s premises, and earn a living that is limited only by your ambition and interests. Do you like to write, plan parties, are handy, a good organizer, know your way around electronics, a good cook and/or baker, teacher, gardener? These are just a few of the many ways described in this book that you can earn an income and better your life.
You won’t find unbelievable claims or questionable “free” systems that do nothing but leave your wallet emptier, but rather detailed, solid information that you can begin using from the start and transform your lives for the better.
My husband and I are now Social Security recipients and I don’t think I have to tell you how difficult it is to make ends meet each month, especially with rising prices and expenses. We have worked at some of the businesses here, a few of which we started while still in the workplace, and I have thoroughly and to the best of my ability researched the rest.
Perhaps you have lost your job or home, or have been out of work for a while, and your home is in jeopardy. Alternatively, you might be a senior citizen with lots of life left to live, and need more than your meager Social Security benefit. You could also be a young person who cannot find work or are trying to save for college or other expense. This book is for you!
Want more control over your life? What are you waiting for? Give one or more of these ideas a try. You just might sur