The title for this book is very precise. The 5 Steps for Better Technical Education; which was selected because there are five steps and only five steps to better technical education. No more, no less. Entitling the book as 5 Steps for Better Technical Education might imply that there are other steps but this book covers five of them. However, these are proven steps and must be done in the order in which they are presented without omission. This book is intentionally written to be short and to the point. The fives steps are not hidden in text for the reader to discover but rather listed and describe individually. It should also be noted that this book is not theoretical but rather a pragmatic methodology of instructional design. The book will provide benefit to the reader immediately with actionable outcomes. In addition, the book is augmented via social media. The intent is to have discussion rooms for instruction delivery hints & tips, do’s and don’ts, questions and answers.