Arra Amaru takes you through an unfiltered lens of her trials and tribulations of being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). At this job, mommies are on call 24/7. There are no breaks. No vacations, No days off. So put on your seatbelt and enjoy the ever-lasting ride through mischievous mornings, toddler tantrums, slain snacks, and sleep time shenanigans. Guest starring, Joey, a tot at the brink of the so-called terrible twos.
Through Arra's journey she starts to realize two's aren't so terrible after all if you are in the right headspace to endure them.This mommy was once driven to the brink of a mental collapse but through metamorphosis made her way through to the other side. Unscatched and ready to relish in the joys of mommyhood. Once unraveled, this incessant rollercoaster becomes a candid, risque adventure that many moms will appreciate: through exasperation, distress, resentment, anxiety, humility, laughter, elation, adventure and delight. I welcome you to take part in this journey.