I was running late, and I didn't account for the traffic out on Landover Road at 7:15 p.m. I was supposed to meet my girls, Christine and Stephanie, for some drinks and laughs at Jaspers Restaurant at 7:30! Now, I was going to be at least thirty minutes late, messing around in this traffic.
Christine was my best sister girl. She was my rock when things went south with that drunk of an ex-husband of mine, Leroy. She was the one who kept me going and not wanting to throw up my hands and say, "Forget all this!"
Stephanie, my white sister girl, was going to be there too. She was a white girl from PG county, but she had a black girl swagger; probably because PG county was predominantly African American. She had stuck with me through all my business highs, lows, in betweens, and eventual the closing of CGS. It was going to be a good night.
I came running my behind in the doors of Jasper's at seven minutes to eight. I spoke quickly to the little, pimply-faced teenage waitress: "I was supposed to meet som–"
She interrupted me right there. "Right over there, ma'am, next to the last table on the right."
I found them at the table, talking to each other. When I came over, they got quiet and both rolled their eyes at me, pretending to be mad because of my late grand entrance. After a few seconds, we all broke out in laughter. Laughter is so good for the soul and, believe me, my soul needed it. After all I had been through, it was nice and comforting to be around some real people; some real sisters.
As I began to settle in and get comfortable in the booth with the girls, Stephanie noticed a guy sitting at the end of the bar watching the game on the giant flat-screen TV.
"Pssst! G! Giselle! Don't stare but doesn't that guy at the end of the bar look like... like... Tyrone?! Is that him?"
As I tried to look without being obvious, I could see some small similarities to Tyrone. From what I could tell in this dimly lit restaurant, the guy did have a dark complexion and a medium build, but Tyrone? Nah! It couldn't be!
I told her, "Steph, you trippin' and you haven't even had anything to drink yet!"
Little did I realize that it was Tyrone… little did I know. Well, we ordered our drinks and prepared for a night of laughing and reminiscing. And so the journey begins…