About the “JOURNEY”…
I believe that in everyone's life there is “PLAN A” and a “PLAN B”; however, not in the traditional sense as in having a backup plan, but rather Plan A: Is designated as the time in one's life before you personally met Christ.
PLAN B: Is after you met him and you now have a personal relationship with him, and this life should be distinctly different from your Plan A.
It is my belief that your Plan A is where Satan attacks you in the attempt to throw you off course in the effort to prevent you from meeting your objective of “Why you are here on this earth in the first place”. It is where he hits you with all of life's distractions, environmental issues and parental concerns which I call the "Curve Ball"; which is what most of us end up doing and that is following the "Curve Ball".
In this story we follow what happened to the main character named “Jonathan Butler” and how he handled his "Curve Ball”. We watch through five different novels how he adjusts to life’s challenges and his many attempts to return to center and find his way back to Christ.
Like a lot of us out there that will read this story, this gentleman's curve ball came in the disguise of RAPE. When he was seven years of age he had a grown man size Genitalia. His siblings picked at him; however the Baby sitter knew what to do with him. Where does the baby sitter come in the picture? Well there is a “Danger of the Male Head Being Out of Place" in the home, because in this case it caused the mother to have to come out of her place and find a job. The only job that she could find was at night and so she had to hire a babysitter. Well the baby sitter saw the genitalia on the young boy and for two years of his life she molested him.
She taught him everything from cunnilingus, foreplay and everything that you could imagine that a woman could imagine having had performed on her by a man sexually.
Fortunately the mother got fired from her night job and came home early and caught the baby sitter...smoking in the house!
Needless to say the baby sitter got fired for smoking...but she had already damaged a boy for the rest of his life. Nevertheless, the mother had to get a job and all she could think of was keeping kids. She began a daycare in the home and majority of the children that she brought in were girls and they were around Jonathans age
. Well after no more than a week of getting used to each other, Jonathan simply did to them what the babysitter told him woman liked. And in nine out of the ten girls that were babysat…they did too enjoy it.
So in essence, the illusion of “Why we are here in the first place” is seriously altered by the adversary by putting various obstacles in our way such as people, parents, relatives, drugs, murder and other lasciviousness. As you will read Jonathan’s drug of choice was sex.
Some molested victims grow up to become advocates for all molested victims and think that they are doing what they were put on this earth to do...but in reality this is the "Curve Ball!" See God would not do something as traumatic as having you molested to show you what you ought to be doing within the Body of Christ! He is a good God. What you experienced was of the Devil and it was designed to throw you off course. In most cases it worked and is still working. In my belief, the worse you are being attacked means that you are a very powerful being and Satan wants you dead NOW! He can’t let you get in the game, he would surely loose!
It is also my belief that if life has been wonderful for you, and Satan never attacks you, and life is so hunky dory…It is my believe, that you are going straight to hell…with gasoline drawers and a trick parachute! You’re kinda like that guy on the team that never gets checked…because you are no threat to the other team. See God said all believers will have trials and tribulations, which mean that you will catch hell, especially if you have a gift that the body of Christ needs. Your Gift is not