All of us have a "normal" – a way of living and thinking that is routine and comfortable – our comfort zone, if you will. In that zone, we have confidence that our abilities, skills, and talents can handle the challenges of life. We know how to make a living and be successful. We are familiar with the surrounding culture, sure of ourselves, and where we are heading. "Normal" is like your favorite pair of great fitting jeans or your favorite easy chair that you sit in. It just feels right.
More often than we would like, we are forced into a new reality – one we didn't choose, but instead was forced upon us. These circumstances come at us in the form of a pink slip, a bad medical report, a dying business or industry we have poured our lives into developing, or even a faltering economy. We hope that the disruption in our lives will pass quickly and we can get back to our normal routine. Each day continues to bring uncertainty and more delay in our business and life. Have things changed permanently? Will things ever go back to the way it was?
Recognizing and understanding when your current career, business model, or life direction has changed or is no longer available to you is the first step in moving toward a more successful future. In other words, you have to let go of your "old normal" to fully engage your "new normal." While that may sound simple, actually living this out is not. Many people don't even recognize their normal has changed. If you find yourself waiting for normal to return – whatever that normal is – one question needs to be answered:
What if what you are experiencing now is your new normal?
In this powerful book, Executive Leadership Performance and Business Coach, Jeff Orr, not only reveals how to recognize when your old normal is gone but gives specific strategies to fully engage and succeed in the new normal. Gain valuable insights and strategies to get your life back on track and living successfully in any environment, both professionally and personally.