This short, powerful book gives you lessons on how to bust the crap from your life. Crap is defined as the stuff that doesn't work, that's unnecessary, that doesn't create life or health or abundance or anything else good in your life. Crap drags you down, drags others down around you, keeps you distracted, blocks you from actualizing what you say you want in your life, and slowly saps the vitality out of you and everyone else in your circle bit by bit. Apply these simple, practical lessons and find new freedom to live the life of your dreams in ways you never thought possible. Learn how to clean up crappy behaviors, crappy modes of thinking and crappy uses of your time. Get rid of all the negative, life-sucking, soul-numbing crap that creeps into your life every day unless you intentionally bust it and keep it out of your life for good. When you do, you will find the clarity, focus and energy to live your life from your deepest values and commitments, and to actualize your most authentic desires.