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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / Happiness
  • Language:English
  • Pages:226
  • eBook ISBN:9781624882258

Soul War

by Laurel J Homestead

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Standing, edge of fields, tears dropping, hard, impenetrable, ground. “Hell,” Sarcastic, bitter, resentful. “I’ve finally arrived… in hell.” …Ally’s words as she enters the war-torn battlefield of her life, beginning the journey to freedom. Get ready to enter the battle, fight the fights, understand war—on a previously, unencountered level, and become the ultimate warrior!
Standing, edge of fields, tears dropping, hard, impenetrable, ground. “Hell,” Sarcastic, bitter, resentful. “I’ve finally arrived… in hell.” …Ally’s words as she enters the war-torn battlefield of her life, beginning the journey to freedom. Get ready to enter the battle, fight the fights, understand war—on a previously, unencountered level, and become the ultimate warrior! Each of us has a specific path, a journey presented to us before time began. Trauma sets us off course, effectively halting the ability to find and fulfill our intended destination. Following Ally on her allegorical journey puts us back on the path, back to our original journey, ultimately satisfying the age-old question of who you were designed to be and ultimately, become. Read on...
About the author
Me. What about me? Not much. I'm sort of what you call a "drifter" now adays which I think is really something, as I'm a female and that's typically a 'guy' thing. Just got fired from my job (which helps that 'drifting' part of me live on). ADD/ADHD, got all those labels and been called worse. Never amount to nothing. Yep. That's me. Not much else so far. Maybe you'll understand more after reading Soul War, but then maybe not. Either way, this is my contribution to healing, wholeness, peace, so either way I'm good and that's the truth of it.