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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Action & Adventure
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Sons of Light and Dark
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:240
  • eBook ISBN:9781667821900
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667821894

Sons of Light and Dark parts I and II

by Ian D Lombardo

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"Sons of Light and Dark parts I and II" is the introductory book in a series based on the screenplays written by the author. A culmination of over a decade of writing, this is a must-read adventure consisting of profound religious themes and heart-racing action. A complex saga with deeply compelling characters, this is a must-read book for all fiction fans.


"Sons of Light and Dark parts I and II" is the introductory book in a series based on the screenplays written by the author. A culmination of over a decade of writing, this  is a must-read adventure consisting of profound religious themes and heart-racing action. A complex saga with deeply compelling characters, this is a must-read book  for all fiction fans. In the first part of this epic story, God's loyal Archangels have been ambushed at their temple in the netherworld by the dark Archangel Lucifer and his dark Archangel generals. Archangel Michael is the only one who escapes, now Archangel Michael comes to earth to seek the help of a brother and sister, Daniel and Rachael, who have a mysterious tie to God's angels and are proficient in martial arts, to go back to the netherworld and help Michael take back the temple and free his fellow Archangels from imprisonment and death. 

In part two God's Archangels and Daniel decide they will go to the realm of hell itself and battle to stop Lucifer and his dark armies from escaping hell and save Rachael. As the six Archangels and Daniel start their journey to the realm of hell, a series of amazing and brutal battles with Lucifer's most powerful demons take place. Later on back at the temple, joined by some of the other orders of angels, Daniel, Rachael and God’s Archangels finally have their chance to stop Lucifer and the other dark Archangels and their armies from escaping the netherworld and resuming their war   on God, mankind and the universe. 

About the author

Ian D. Lombardo has been a musician for most of his life and recently has become an aspiring author and screenwriter. Ian grew up watching the action movies and martial arts movies of the 1980's and 1990's and was also heavily influenced by all the things his cousin Cory Smoot was doing at the time. He was a very famous musician and his great brother and mentor. So, after a lifetime of inspiration, Ian finally decided to try his hand at writing in 2010. After completing the screenplays, he then decided to turn them into books. The writing process has brought Ian so much joy and freedom and he looks forward to what the future holds.