About the author
Nestled somewhere between Bonnie Raitt, and KT Tunstall you will find a little R&B swing with Kole. Guitar, double bass and harmonica intertwine in a dirty swamp mix as this artist takes her listeners into her world as she knows it. This July Kole begins her 4 month tour across the US and Canada to promote her new EP and her new self written biography.
Jane Doe was dumped at a hospital emergency room after a drug overdose in 2000. After awakening Kole realized she had to turn her life around. By 18 Kole was competing at Miss Teen Usa and running the Olympic Torch. By 19 she was signed and moved to the big apple with her miniature pinscher, Bee. After 4 years in the NYC Kole returned to Utah in hopes of finding herself.
Kole’s inspiring story has led her around the world as a guest of the United Nations, military chapters, national talk shows and universities as a speaker. In 2010 Kole was asked to speak at the Politics Online Conference in DC alongside John King (CNN), Nic Adler (The Roxy), Brad Hunstable (Ustream.tv), Whurley (Chaotic Moon Studios) and David Almacy (former internet director for the Whitehouse) to name a few. Kole now resides in Austin, Texas, where her unique blues/folk sound has found a home in the country’s acclaimed Live Music Capital.