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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / Success
  • Language:English
  • Pages:19
  • eBook ISBN:9781483549590

Smashing Through the Roadblocks in the Highways of Your Mind

How to Unlock the Secrets of the Law of Attraction!

by Stephanie Slavin

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Smashing Through the Roadblocks in the Highways of Your Mind is a 1-hour e-book designed to give you bite-sized information on how to use the Law of Attraction.

You will learn exactly what the roadblocks to success are, and get "Stephanie's Solutions" for how to break through them. 

it costs less than a latte and takes just 1-hour to read.




Smashing Through the Roadblocks in the Highways of Your Mind is a 1-hour book designed to give you bite-sized information on how to use the Law of Attraction to achieve money, health and happiness.

In a world engulfed in cynicism, this book offers a ray of hope. For those who are disillusioned, who feel that the American Dream has died, here are practical steps for how to break your negative mindset, and stop fear, doubt and worry.

The maxim of "Go to school--get a job--buy a home--retire on Social Security and a 401K--live happily ever after" now seems more like a fairy tale. The superhighway to success we were promised has turned into a rutted road blocked with barriers of cynicism. We no longer trust our institutions to take care of us.

What do we do now? Take ONE HOUR to find a new way! Discover how to pave a pathway of hope. Learn how to use what you’ve always known, but were told to ignore. Short, practical true stories show you how to immediately unlock the secrets of the Law of Attraction---draw to you the money, health, and happiness you seek. If you want to know more, then, Smashing Through the Roadblocks in the Highways of Your Mind is a book you will definitely want to read! Start reading and start attracting now!

About the author

Smashing Through the Roadblocks in the Highways of Your Mind

Stephanie Slavin, Master Wealth Coach, author, pilot and award-winning serial entrepreneur, wants to help dispel cynicism and restore hope to the world. She enjoys empowering people to quantum leap into a new life. Her passion for sharing practical, visionary spiritual knowledge has inspired many to find the “True Wealth” of money, health and happiness. Through a 24-part seminar program and, now, a series of 24 books (in creation), Stephanie teaches how to unlock the secrets of the Law of Attraction. She is inspired by and writes in  the Ecuadorian Andes and North Carolina horse-country, where she lives with her husband, cats and dogs. Please visit Stephanie for your free gift at http://www.StephanieSlavin.com then play her free, fun money game at http://www.QuantumLeapMoneyGame.com