“There are certain simple inner truths that are beyond the desperate grasping and desires of our egos, but that are not beyond the reality of our everyday lives.”
Often in our lives, we find ourselves riding on the surface of the ocean of events, struggling against the turbulent waves, looking for some lasting stability, but not finding any. Sometimes, however, we are surprised by the beauty or wonder of life in ways that take our breath away. Perhaps for the briefest of moments, our thoughts and feelings are stilled as we stand in awe of the beauty of nature, the wonder of a child’s birth, or some random act of kindness that touches our heart. In the face of these flashes of stillness, we may wonder where the meaning of our lives can be found and whether these flashes truly point to anything greater.
In Simple Inner Truths, Steven Jay shows how we are, in fact, being touched in our everyday lives by the presence of a divine wonder that is beyond any thought, concept or belief, but that is closer to us than we are to ourselves. The touch of this sacred wonder is fully present right now, this very moment, with and for each of us, and is gently calling to each of us to move out of the darkness of our delusions and begin, as best we can, to move into the light of a gentle, divine radiance in our everyday, regular lives.
Drawing on wisdom from Eastern and Western religious traditions, as well as from his own spiritual insights, Steven Jay shows concretely how we can walk an authentic spiritual path, opening our hearts to the divine presence in ourselves, in others, and in all of life, and how such a spiritual path can transform our lives. The journey to this transformation requires some humility, and a lot of kindness to ourselves and others, but it will lead us to unbounded loving-kindness and the beginnings of real wisdom.