Nothing in the world of form can fulfill you.
This eBook is a a collection of sign posts (signs) that point towards truth, which is formless.
Ultimately, truth is beyond the mind, it cannot be grasped, it cannot be understood intellectually.
The purpose of this eBook is to help you awaken... to help you notice stillness.
Enlightenment is already within you, it may be temporarily obscured by mind identification.
Enlightenment is like the sky, and most peoples mind is like a blanket of clouds covering the sky.
To awaken, you must allow the clouds to be blown away.
Awakening cannot be forced, it is allowed through surrender to the now, it is allowed by surrendering to the "isness" of now, to surrendering to the form that this moment takes, to completely accepting what is... what ALREADY is.
Awakening is: allowing life to be as it is, allowing the form(s) that life is choosing to take be.
Awakening is... inner peace and acceptance of this moment, in whatever form it takes. To be the "BEer" not just the "DOer".
Awakening is... No internal resistance to "now", to the life conditions of this moment.
Therefore, awakening is and can only happen "NOW".
What the Japanese call "satori" is a flash of enlightenment or a taste, it is temporarily awakening.