"Seeking Arnolds" begins with the personal story of a search for a departed father, deceased while still young, by his son. Guided by repeated events of wonder and mystery, the search is successful and leads to exploration of the family saga, including the flight from Communism and immigration to America in the WWII era. The often bitter history of the Latvian homeland and the surrounding area is explored, with compilations of the suffering that visited these lands. A new addition to Gulag literature is also included in the form of a memoir by a cousin of the author, describing her work as a slave for 16 years in the logging camp prisons of the USSR.
The contrast between freedom in America and repression in so much of the world becomes evident through a study like this, and points to the critical importance of government types to the well being of citizens. Bad political choices have horrible consequences; good ones lead to positive outcomes. Choose wisely.