About the author
I have always had a love for stories and even at an early age I have created story ideas as part of my play activities. My interests in reading, watching television programs and viewing movies increased my interest in writing. I also have an intense interest in technology including: cars, aircraft, communication devices, and computers. This stimulation also lead to my avid interest is history specially The American Civil War and World War II. I have written a total of seven novels one of which is a science fiction story involving time travel. I hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in communication from St. Louis University and I have worked as a writer/producer of many video and media presentations through a number of employers. I was born and raised in the urban suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio with my two older sisters. After high school I attended St. Louis University and continued to live in the greater St. Louis area for fifteen years. In 1991 I returned to Cincinnati to begin working for Xerox Services in the field of digital document creation and management. I currently live north of Cincinnati in Mason, Ohio with my wife Amy and our three cats Garfield, Whisper, and Missy.