About the author
Born in a quiet, rural town in Tennessee in 1926, Harold Barker grew up with a great love of nature and feeling of awe for God and His creation. Due to his father’s change in occupation, his family moved to a bustling urban neighborhood in Chicago, thrusting him into new and unfamiliar surroundings that made him very homesick for Tennessee. But it was in Chicago that the Lord had a plan to draw him to Christ.
Harold’s aunt knew the Lord and invited Harold and his brother Jim to a boys’ club that met at the North Side Gospel Center in Chicago. It was at this boys’ club where the truth of the gospel was revealed to Harold and he accepted Christ as Savior at the age of eleven. This was one of the clubs that later grew into the Awana Clubs International. Lance B. Latham, affectionately known as “Doc”, was pastor of this church that was then meeting in a storefront building. Doc loved the gospel of grace and taught it continually. Harold and Jim came to love it, too. They also enjoyed summer camps run by the church--first, Camp Michawana in Michigan and later, Camp Awana in Wisconsin. At summer camp, Harold dedicated his life to the Lord.
Harold and his brother Jim came to love and respect Doc and he became their mentor and friend. The boys became leaders in the Awana Clubs and at summer camp. They also became Sunday School teachers to fill in the roles left by the teachers who went into service during the World War II. Surprisingly, Harold discovered that he could learn more as a teacher than as a pupil. During his early years, Harold was privileged to learn from some of the great Bible teachers that came to the North Side Gospel Center—William R. Newell, William Pettingill, M. R. DeHaan, Harry Ironside, and many more.
After World War II, Harold’s brother Jim became a missionary in Venezuela, while Harold studied at Northern Baptist Theological College and Seminary and went on to become a youth pastor. For the next 30 years, Harold served as pastor of three churches. He is now retired, and continues to fill pulpits when pastors are away.
Secure Forever grew out of a series of sermons that Harold preached on the eternal security of the believer. In Secure Forever, he quotes from many who helped shape his thinking on this doctrine: Latham, Chafer, Ironside, Rice, Wuest, Newell, DeHaan, Strauss, Walvoord, Mackay, and others. An emphasis has been placed on the Bible, the Word of God, which is quoted repeatedly. Contained in this volume is a treasure of truth that will help you understand and communicate to others what the Word of God clearly teaches—that once we are truly saved, we are secure forever!
In reference to his faith, Harold has said, “As for my theology, I am a fundamental, evangelical, Bible-believing Christian--just a sinner saved by God’s wonderful grace.”