Network Marketing done wrong can be your worst nightmare. Network Marketing done right can be a dream come true. Having the right information from someone who has experienced both and made over a million dollars in MLM can mean the difference for you.
Imagine having access to the most coveted secrets of the network marketing elite; the advantage of 20 years of knowledge placed in your hands; a road map to navigate the challenges and target the triumphs; powerful techniques and examples that will cut your learning curve, and that of your organization, ten-fold; a chance to make a difference in the world, starting with your own family.
Many training guides are dry and boring. 'Secrets' is written as a story that will make you laugh, inspire you, and propel you to success.
Expertly crafted, each chapter ends with Principles to Remember, Action Items, and Discussion Topics.
Principles to Remember: The most important points from each chapter, easily accessible for future use.
Action Items: Information is great, but action is everything. These points get you, and your team, into immediate action based on the information just learned.
Discussion Topics: Even if you’re brand-new, you can train your team on the critical success points regardless of where in the world they are by using the preset discussion questions.
Skillfully written and a fun, easy read, this book is being used by leaders around the world to train their entire organizations.
Learn cutting-edge techniques from ‘Being Your Most Powerful Ever’ and ‘Inspiring Your Team to Greatness’, to the favorites of ‘Overcoming Objections’ and the ‘Four Secrets of Powerful Prospecting’, just to name a few. Overcome your fear of the phone, and answer the dreaded question, "How much are YOU making?"
Perhaps most importantly: This training guide will train your entire organization on all of these topics and so much more, saving you countless hours and enormous energy.
Whether you're simply looking at the network marketing industry, just getting started, or a seasoned veteran, this is a 'must-own' book you'll want to share with your entire team.
As the author, Terry L. Fossum, himself says, “As I’m coming out of early retirement to have some more fun with my network marketing business, I want to make it as easy as I can on myself. I wrote this book to train all of the people I’ll be working with, to save all of us an enormous amount of time and heartache.
I remember what it was like in the early days of building my business. I would have given anything for a book like this. I can’t imagine how much faster I would have grown, and how much pain I would have avoided!
I truly hope it’s incredibly helpful to everyone who reads it, and that it plays a part in helping them reach their goals and dreams. If it does, it was worth the countless hours of putting together the best of everything I’ve learned in over 20 years.”