About the author
Retired, but not intellectually impaired...so far. I have a law degree; however, in my retirement, I have made a concerted effort to evade the law to the best of my ability. To date, I have been successful in this endeavor...no indictments or felony convictions...as yet! The only crimes or misdemeanors that I truly regret were those perpetrated against my long-suffering spouse. She has since passed away and I hope that she is in a better place. In the last moments of her life, she summoned me to her bedside and whispered in my ear, "darling...if you manage to get where I'm going...don't bother to look me up." Sooo...here I am, uttering the words of that artless cliche, I'm holed up along with others of my age and ilk in "G-d's waiting room, located in one of Florida's multitudinous gated communties, where I while away the days and nights reading and writing novels.