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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Coming of Age
  • Language:English
  • Pages:128
  • Hardcover ISBN:9781483596013

Rumble Bear

by Dean Harman

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Rumble Bear is a unique, subtle parable about life that follows the quest of one Alaskan grizzly bear as he travels across the merciless tundra searching for a territory of his own. The young bear encounters all kinds of amazing creatures along his journey as he battles other grizzlies and faces fierce winter wolves in the land of the midnight sun. The story of Rumble Bear will resonate with anyone searching to find the courage to push away their fears and grab at the chance to find out who and what they really are. The story unfolds in the secret and magical world of the noble grizzlies who roam the north hunting moose, caribou and sheep as they encounter wolverines, porcupines and golden eagles along the way. Young and old will enjoying travelling deep into the wilderness with these magnificent creatures as they set out into the wilderness. Clever and dangerous humans appear along the Yukon river and threaten the powerful grizzlies as they travel and hunt throughout their land. Sweet-smelling fish camps and half-wild huskies combine to create the perfect storm of challenge for the bold and hungry bears that come face to face with humans and their thunderous guns.
Only the biggest, strongest male grizzly bears will wade into the red salmon river today. The icy water splashes over the chest of one of the oldest warrior grizzlies in the valley. His piercing eyes stare into the white foam dancing along the river's current. He carefully places one massive paw above the waterline, stoically waiting for his next slippery salmon to appear. The other grizzlies keep their distance as they know this old-timer has fought more battles than most. No one knows where he came from or how he collected all those scars, but his stride is long and purposeful and his huge head bobs and sways back and forth as he moves. Only the lazy circles of a golden eagle far above him give away his secret as the legends tell us that only king grizzlies travel with that royal companion. A sockeye salmon springs out from the froth and as razor sharp claws smash into its flesh, a perfectly-timed bite along its back ends the wriggling salmon's journey. The old grizzly glances up and down the river, and all the other grizzlies wait and watch as the huge brown beast saunters into the willows to feed. The other bears relax as it is now once again safe to hunt along the water's edge. One bear stands and sniffs the air wondering if he could find the courage to follow a grizzly like that into the dark. He dreams of what he could learn and see if he dared trail a grand grizzly into the wilderness. He pauses and steadies himself as he takes one last look up and down the shoreline at frightened bears nervously waiting for their salmon to appear. The young bear decides he can no longer live in fear and boldly shoulders his way into the cool moist brush. The tall willows happily lean over inviting him to take his next step into a new world.
About the author
As a young man, I had the opportunity to work alongside my father in the mining and exploration business in the wilds of the Alaskan and the Yukon territories. For eight special summers I lived and worked in small fly-camps hundreds of miles away from civilization and was fortunate to experience the wilderness in a way that most could not even begin to imagine. I would spend months on end in remote and isolated places where few - if any - had ever stepped foot before. The mountains, lakes, streams, and tundra of the north became a touchstone in my life, and to this day my thoughts are never far from the beauty and freedom of these unspoiled places. I learned how to story-tell from my father who could sit around any campfire in the world and within moments have everyone in total silence, listening and watching him tell of his adventures in the high north.