Robert Manis is known throughout the world as the most deadliest man alive. He becomes the Director of the NU FBI in 2109 out of duty. The same duty leads him to free those clad in 'red and grey' better known as the Forgotten. This action launches two continents into the sex slave revolt and solidifies him as the 'Lord Protector'. For five years Director Manis subdues international crime lords, quells a coup from western Governors, secures the distribution of the wonder drug 'Nomescula', and all but eradicates the Carnal Cartel from the sex trades of the 22nd Century. Yet on the eve of his decision to relinquish his emergency powers, tremors of deceit and treachery are all about. "Something is not right I can feel it, but after tomorrow, the matters of state will be someone else's problem, not mines." Or so he thought. An absence of power at the top is prime breeding ground for arrogant pursuers of such power. Two equally evil forces are dead set on regaining control and destabilizing the establishment in Nu America and The European Alliance. But neither of them are out to kill something he loves, and that is why he won't see it until it's too late.