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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:War & Military
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Southern Wars Series, Book Two (2)
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:142
  • eBook ISBN:9781483554839

Return to the Falklands

by Peter J. Bush

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The situation at the Falklands exploded as was expected. The history of occupation and unfinished conflict paved the way, predictably, to a second war.
The situation at the Falklands exploded as was expected. The history of occupation and unfinished conflict paved the way, predictably, to a second war. Credible and solid Argentine Intelligence operations prepared a strategic plan to convince the World that the Argentine Government was defending its sovereignty rights; when in reality the Southern Atlantic nation was re-taking a land lost in 1982. Again, warships, fighters and patriotic troops face an unforgiving weather in fierce combats. Perhaps, all nations need the brave to bleed so politicians may start using common sense?
About the author
Peter J. Bush is a family man and a businessman, a practising catholic and a lawyer with a master in environmental management. He was born in Santiago de Chile, has spent his life in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Sydney and Washington DC. He is a fervent reader of Tom Clancy and Paul Robinson, whose books and style greatly influenced both his first book published in 2014, “Brother Against Brother”, and “Return to the Falklands”. Peter has also written a collection of short stories and poems, which have yet to be published. His character and his work reflect a restless spirit moving along a religious and heroic-historical path. He is a great admirer of great generals and heroes like Ernest Schackleton, Rommel, Patton, Saladin, Napoleon, and also of great personalities from the world of religion such as Saint Francis of Assisi, Joan of Arc, Jose Maria Escriva, Saint Paul, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Saint Peter and Saint Therese of Avila. His work holds a mirror up to contemporary reality and is very much related to human sacrifice, suffering, contradiction and love for one’s neighbor.