Will Moretti can no longer ignore the gnawing sense that he's just going through the motions of living. The death of his good friend Rich has shaken him to the core. While cleaning out Rich's room, Will finds a leaflet describing a center for healing in the mountains of southern Arizona. Taking a leap of faith, he accepts a position as sous-chef at the camp.
Exploring the campus on his first full day, he meets Suzanne, the elegant headmistress of the school. An awkward accident when Will attempts to exit the classroom leads to a discovery of his blood type as Juan, his colorful teacher, takes a sample of the blood from his injury. During the months that follow, Juan leads his students on a number of unforgettable field trips that explore the relationship between diet and the evolution of man.
Will's fascination with the age-old game of lacrosse is amplified by Genaro, Juan's accomplice, who expounds on the true meaning of sport as he takes the camp team to the tournament that marks the end of the season.
The task of redefining matters of the spirit is left to Norman, the gentle instructor who teaches his students how to move beyond their past using a mixture of the wisdom of the Ancient Masters and the science of quantum physics. As everyone shares the story of what brought them to this crossroad in their life, Will and the others develop a bond, and Norman offers a series of lessons that leaves a lasting impression on each of them.
Drawing upon memories of time spent cooking at home with his first culinary mentor, his father, Will hones his skills in the kitchen as he works with the executive chef, Steven, to prepare meals for the students and staff.
With the constant reminder of how fragile our lives are, Will pushes himself out of his comfort zone as he opens his heart to Sarah, the young woman who tends the garden. At the same time, he slowly begins to crack the rigid, emotional armor of Danielle — a stunning but reclusive young woman. Will also works alongside Juan, trying to extend the life span of Toby, a young leukemia patient.
When students, staff, and family members gather to celebrate the end of the lacrosse season and the Thanksgiving holiday, a fire breaks out on top of the mountain. As the flames spiral out of control and the emergency crews from Tucson combat the blaze, Will and the others prepare to evacuate as they wait anxiously for word of Juan and Genaro, who had hurtled upward at dawn in the camp’s decrepit emergency vehicle in an attempt to contain the fire. Looking around the dining hall, Will turns his attention to Sarah and the rest of the people he has grown to love. He waits with bated breath for word from the fire crew, hoping the lives of his two mentors and the place he now calls home will be spared.
“Resurgence" is an epic introspective journey that investigates what it means to be human and the ways in which we can grow in body, mind, and spirit.