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Book details
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:300
  • Hardcover ISBN:9798350958997

Reserved Parking for Charles C. Tandy, MD Anesthesiologist

by Charles C. Tandy

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Can you imagine being able to do what you had dreamed of doing since the age of nine? Now, eighty-five years later, interspersed with some wonderful opportunities and many significant challenges, I am pleased to publish a few of my memoirs. These stories begin with my childhood in Abilene, progress to my amazing opportunities to go to college and medical school, and end up in Dallas, a city where I never imagined I would spend the rest of my life. Here I am, ninety-four years old, and still enjoying each day as it is given. Not everything was perfect, but there is little I would change. I believe the future is as bright as we wish to make it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve in so many ways. Hopefully, you will enjoy my stories as much as I did living and recording them. Charles C. Tandy, MD
Can you imagine being able to do what you had dreamed of doing since the age of nine? Now, eighty-six years later, interspersed with some wonderful opportunities and many significant challenges, I am pleased to publish a few of my memoirs. These stories begin with my childhood in Abilene, progress to my amazing opportunities to go to college and medical school, and end up in Dallas, a city where I never imagined I would spend the rest of my life. Here I am, ninety-five years old, and still enjoying each day as it is given. Not everything was perfect, but there is little I would change. I believe the future is as bright as we wish to make it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve in so many ways. Hopefully, you will enjoy my stories as much as I did living and recording them. Charles C. Tandy, MD
About the author
Can you imagine being able to do what you had dreamed of doing since the age of nine? Now, eighty-six years later, interspersed with some wonderful opportunities and many significant challenges, I am pleased to publish a few of my memoirs. These stories begin with my childhood in Abilene, progress to my amazing opportunities to go to college and medical school, and end up in Dallas, a city where I never imagined I would spend the rest of my life. Here I am, ninety-five years old, and still enjoying each day as it is given. Not everything was perfect, but there is little I would change. I believe the future is as bright as we wish to make it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve in so many ways. Hopefully, you will enjoy my stories as much as I did living and recording them. Charles C. Tandy, MD