Seeking for wisdom may not in any way appear adventurous, yet for those who take time out to find it, learning becomes contagious as your mind opens to one new idea after another, life from then on can indeed be more than adventurous, life can be even tremendously exciting, very successful, contented and happy. Wisdom is essentially doing that which is good for yourself and at the same time is good for others. It requires a great deal of courage to break away from established traditions and habits and replace them with new and more effective ones that can empower you to have faith in yourself, to identify your own great worth, then to go on and tap into your great powerhouse, or reservoir, of self ability. It is only after you make the efforts that you can feel the benefits. Yet the effort is ever so rewarding and is one exercise you will never regret. To express this another way, our individual destinies lie in our own hands. We can break the mould of whatever limits our restricti