Purchasing Power, Grand Design of the Centuries
A Guide & Reference for American’s Prosperity
Unusual as it may sound, limits to prosperity for the nation and its peoples exist within the procedures of the nation’s system of finance. As a trained bank credit approval officer, consultant and now author, the financial system has design challenges. Let me explain.
Centuries ago, the world evolved away from the “exchange” limits of precious metal coins to money-less Purchasing Power processes. These processes were an improvement over gold’s limits, but could not escape their own design limits that would manifest more robustly in this century.
Purchasing Power processes have direct relevance to efforts aimed at improving standards of living and prosperity for Americans living in the “B” economy. The “B” economy is characterized by tens of millions of low wage workers, along with businesses and farms having expenses over revenues. These insufficiently paid economic players subsidize, and help make affordable, the output of the world’s largest economy.
To address the needs of people finding themselves in the “B” economy, government provides subsidies. In turn, government must subsidize itself through deficit spending. This subsidy paradox is the first indicator of issues at the core level of finance where Purchasing Power is invoked, distributed and extinguished.
The “B” economy came to the national stage 50 years ago when food banking and government had to expand the subsidy paradox. The lack of recognition of financial system design shortcomings are due in part to beliefs that we still operate on money and money has no design limits, neither if which are true.
Welcome to the book “Purchasing Power, Grand Design of the Centuries.” Written in layperson’s language with ample illustrations, this guide and reference lays out the mechanics of Purchasing Power processes that replaced money. Any citizen, policymaker, and thought leader that understands Purchasing Power processes has a scepter of power and knowledge for constructively helping Americans. You are invited to take the challenge to understand and lead. America and the world need you!