About the author
In addition to being an author, Wanda is an experienced organization and wellness coach, consultant, and facilitator with over 30 years of experience in organizational development, performance improvement, leadership development, executive coaching, and cultural transformation. Wanda has successfully mentored, coached, hired and fired many as a part of my career. She also worked with public, private, non-profit, and high-tech organizations in performance improvement, and has personally trained over 15,000 professionals in areas that enhance personal and organizational wellness. She has served non-profit and community organizations in many leadership capacities, including on Boards of Directors. She has also designed, facilitated, and spoken at over 35 conferences nationally.
Throughout Wanda's life, she has been blessed with inexhaustible determination and a focus on strategic action, which she invested in coaching and supporting those who are most committed to progressing toward their purpose. She is also aware that times have changed, and the journey is more stressful than ever. Time is of essence.
Her experience, determination and focus, combined with faith, wisdom, and an empathetic heart have allowed her to listen, understand, and speak into the realities that new generations are facing. She is called to help them find solutions. She has helped many, and will help even more to progress toward purpose as they continue on their journey.