The list of young innocent victims grows as the rampaging psychotic predator continues molesting and killing which triggers an intense and bloody battle between GOOD and EVIL to begin.
In a small quiet suburb of Seattle, Richard Ernest Rosser, an abused and neglected young boy living with his broken family is transforming into a pedophile homicidal predator while everyone around him are completely unaware of the horrific monster festering among them.
Christopher Dempsey is just a normal average kid growing up in the same neighborhood as Richard Rosser, getting into fights, fast times, good drugs and plenty of parties.
The battle begins when Christopher’s life is turned upside down without warning. The hunt for final justice is intensively played out from the small town of Lake Hills, all the way to the crazy third world slums of Bangkok Thailand.
Combined with conflict, intense action and suspense in every chapter, sprinkled with humor, hard core drug addiction and tragedy makes for a very exciting hard to put down read.
The gruesome details and violence in PREDATOR UNLEASHED puts you in the driver’s seat for the non-stop, full throttle journey. Enjoy the twists and turns that will make you laugh out loud, cry a tear or two, cheer for the good guys and keeps the suspense going page after page.
By Albert Scott Farnum
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