Inspired by helping children to overcome speech impediments, Felina Woods, a licensed speech
therapist, and her mother, Sabina Wrightsman, created a fun book for children to practice the
pronunciation of the letter 'f'. This book repeats the letter 'f', one of the letters many young children
have difficulty pronouncing. By repeatedly reading the book and having children repeat the names of
the African animals, children practice the letter 'f' and at the same time, get to know the difference
between the various animals.
Young children will enjoy accompanying Poofy on his journey to find new friends. They will delight
in seeing the different animals and learn what each of them considers a fun activity. Since these
activities are specific to each animal, one after the other joins in to find an animal that might have a
suggestion of what they can all enjoy and play together. The book illustrates the differences between
the animals, but shows that with perseverance all the animals can find a common ground to become
friends and have fun together.