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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Women
  • Language:English
  • Pages:188
  • eBook ISBN:9781667853567
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667853550

Please Don’t Repeat This

by Ann Cedeño

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Annie has spent the better part of her life as a nail tech in the company of women in one affluent area of South Florida. As they work their way through the latest collection of polish colors together, season after season, the clients reveal their most private thoughts, in confidence, of course, and Annie notices a pattern. Often their behavior does not match their long-term goals. Armed with knowledge, she frequently uses examples of a client's demise to help another in need of advice. This book is a collection of the most poignant stories heard throughout her career, each with a moral dilemma. It's easy to pick out the mistakes made from the outside looking in, and in doing so, one thing becomes abundantly clear; no one escapes this life without at least one situation that brings them to a crossroads, not even Annie.
Annie feigns interest as her client studies the OPI color chart. After years of selecting polishes, one to her is no different from the other. What's far more interesting is the conversation from the last manicure appointment that is sure to continue about the woman's pending divorce. Will she get the house and custody of the children, or will he? You see, this nail tech is secretly writing a book about her clients' lives, and this juicy story of lovers turned enemies is on track to be Chapter 4. A novel like this will surely end up on the New York Times Best Seller list because who doesn't love gossip? As the account of last week's hearing in court for alimony begins, Annie notices the client is no longer wearing the three-carat radiant cut yellow diamond ring. Did the husband take it too when he emptied the bank accounts and canceled all the credit cards? Or was she forced to sell it?
About the author

Ann Cedeno is a popular nail tech in South Florida. Over the years, many unforgettable stories crossed her desk, and she secretly began writing Diaries of a Nail Technician in an attempt to share lessons she learned with others. The women's challenges make the stories resonate. If we know what to do in a particular situation, it won't catch us off guard. She never reveals her sources to maintain an impeccable reputation as a person her clients can confide in. Naturally, she disguises the women in her books, making them unrecognizable, even to themselves. In Please Don't Repeat This, in addition to the usual client tales, she tells her own story of growing up, not knowing she was adopted, and then meeting her birth parents because, let's face it, everyone has a story. Ann and her husband live in Parkland. Their daughter is successful in her career, lives close by with her husband and son, and is one of her mother's closest confidants. Their son lives in Nashville, is a drummer for the band Southpost, and shares his mother's love of books.