Plateau Dwellers is the story of a boy who comes of age in a primitive, unchanging culture that might have existed during the Neolithic Period of a hypothetical, alternate universe. His knowledge comes from the lore he has inherited and what his senses have told him about his surroundings. As he progresses through his teen years, he begins to question the validity of everything his society accepts as true, so he sets out on a long expedition to learn about the human condition and his world. He recruits two traveling companions and steps off from the edge of his homeland, a place known as The Plateau. He first encounters a human society that has invented civilization. Later, he encounters a race of hominids that diverged from an earlier common ancestor of humans. These experiences expand his understanding of existence and purpose. He even builds the foundation for the most unexpected discovery of all: his own true nature. He eventually returns to The Plateau and is faced with having to reconcile his acquired knowledge with the paradigms that have prevailed for countless millennia.