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Book details
  • SubGenre:Supernatural
  • Language:English
  • Pages:360
  • eBook ISBN:9798350970722
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350967531

Philosophies of a Modern Mystic

by Justin Turk F.R.C.

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In this captivating collection titled "Philosophies of a Modern Mystic," embark on a journey through the extraordinary. Delve into a world of mysticism, where Turk's strange and otherworldly encounters are shared through a series of poems, lectures, and diaries. From the exploration of psychedelics to the intriguing realm of extraterrestrial contact, these pages hold a wealth of knowledge and wonder.
The first half of the book serves as an enlightening tutorial, guiding readers through profound philosophies on life, death, creation, and consciousness. It is a captivating educational experience that will expand your mind and challenge your perceptions. As you venture into the second half of the book, immerse yourself in the author's personal experiences, shared through the intimate pages of their diaries. These stories offer a glimpse into a world beyond our own, where the supernatural intertwines with the everyday. "Philosophies of a Modern Mystic" is a mesmerizing compilation that will leave you spellbound. It is a testament to the power of the unknown and the limitless possibilities that lie within our grasp. Open your mind, embrace the extraordinary, and prepare to be captivated by this extraordinary journey.
About the author
Justin Turk, a renowned musician hailing from Palm Coast, Florida, has enraptured audiences with his extraordinary abilities as a singer-songwriter. Whether gracing the stage with his performances or translating his thoughts onto paper, Justin epitomizes the quintessential essence of an artist, and his ingenuity and skill continue to garner acclaim. However, music wasn't always his sole passion; he harbored a deep affection for poetry and often harbored aspirations of becoming an author long before he envisioned himself as a songwriter. Following a transformative out-of-body experience during his teenage years, Justin came to the realization that life encompasses more than conventional teachings. Since then, he has delved into the depths of knowledge, immersing himself in secret societies and sacred mystery schools to attain a deeper comprehension of existence. Justin's literary work, "Philosophies of a Modern Mystic," stands as a platform for him to impart his profound revelations about life and death to those who seek similar enlightenment. Through his personal encounters and viewpoints, Justin aspires to motivate readers to embark on their own journeys and formulate their own conclusions.