"Patriot Acts" is a darkly comedic political satire, wrapped inside a legal thriller. The story, which takes place in the not-too-distant future, centers on the plight of an immigrant teenager, snatched from her mother at a border crossing as part of a cruel family separation program. She's shipped off across the U.S. and threatened with deportation, even though she's receiving critical medical treatment.
Her volunteer lawyers, on a whim, attack the Government Officials behind these schemes, labelling them as domestic terrorists, invoking the Patriot Act, the post 9/11 anti-terror law. Their targets are members of the Administration of bombastic U.S. President. H. Stennis "Deuteronomy" Stuggs, a former televangelist narrowly elected on a nationalist, anti-immigrant, anti-crime agenda. Coupled with the saga of life-threatening trauma suffered by a victim of aggravated school bullying, these conflicts conclude in dual trials, each featuring shocking revelations with staggering consequences. The novel is an indictment of the shameless tolerance of bullying cultures in America, stoked under the angry rhetoric of our new political reality.