Dr. Richard Whitney's
book has received rave reviews from some of the world's leading artists. John Howard Sanden has stated "I have
been an admirer of Richard Whitney for four decades. He is universally recognized as one of America's true masters of contemporary realism. Richard's
book, Painting the Visual Impression,
is a must for the realist painter. It is
a marvel of clarity. Each section
features "Concepts' that
vividly and succinctly state the goals toward which the artist should work, and
each section contains "Helpful hints" that are remarkable for their
lucidness and practicality. If you are
attempting to paint what you see, and if you want to do it well, you will want
to have Richard Whitney's book near
at hand and refer to it often." Daniel Greene, N.A. has said "I
enthusiastically recommend the brilliant and informative painting book by
Master Artist Richard Whitney! Whitney's perceptive insights about painting and
portraiture should be of value to artists of every skill level. His book, Painting
the Visual Impression, is on par with the famous Art Spirit by Robert Henri and is destined to be a classic book on
portraiture and painting." The late
Nelson Shanks wrote "Richard Whitney's
book brings to us the greater possibility of understanding nature with
information towards that objective. In
painting - knowing and seeing are one and the same. Thank you,