Saved at the age of 8 during a Vacation Bible School, I haven't lived a perfect life, but I have been protected. While in the ninth grade, during Training Union one Sunday, I made a commitment to never smoke or drink; and with God's help and guidance, I have kept that vow.
I grew up in Scouting and became an Eagle, then later a Scoutmaster and District Commissioner. I learned and lived duty to God and Country, to others and to self.
In the tenth grade, our school got its first computer and my math teacher said that anything we could program the computer to do, we would not have to do as homework. That was like saying "sick'm" to a bulldog for me and launched my life in computers. As a senior, I went to a career development high school and studied programming, then worked in computer operations to pay for college.
In 1983, I started Rheagl Services Company helping companies and individuals with business development.
As a single adult, I was active with the singles at my church and started teaching a single's Sunday School class. When I met my wife, we worked in the Single's department for several years and raised two great daughters.
I could write a whole book trying to just highlight my life and how it has made me who I am. I have expanded experience in the music business, both my daughters have dextrocardia, I have a bucket list item to catch a fish in every state park in Texas; and a lot more. I haven't had an affluent life, but I have had the abundant life that God promises to those who put Him first.
I am now at the point of "To whom much is given, much is required." Thus, I have written this book to help others know God better and help them live a more fulfilling life.