This volume one of the most significant books in the history of spiritual literature. The subject itself, “Our Divine and Cosmic Identity,” might suggest the validity of this statement.
This appraisal is not a personal, egotistical one, since it is fully realized that no individual creates anything alone. (See the chapter “Within the Archangelic Consciousness.”) Ultimately, this book is the expression of the Whole. The contents would not have appeared but for the presence of a few spiritual colleagues who consistently provided a creative context. Beyond these were others who constituted the mailing list, to whom the transcripts were sent. Above all, I acknowledge the foundational awareness provided by Lloyd Arthur Meeker (Uranda) and Martin Exeter, whose genius, lives and words opened the way for this book, which I consider to be an extension of their ministry.
The chapters are transcriptions of talks given from June 1997 to August 2002. “The Eternal Presence” was written in 1982. It is not imagined that these talks are the last word on any of the subjects considered. They are to be seen, rather, as helpful glimpses of a greater perspective yet to emerge more fully in our experience. Their primary value does not lie at the conceptual level, but in the spiritual radiation emerging through them.
We find ourselves indwelling a state that is abysmally unconscious of true Identity and purpose. Reawakening the human consciousness to awareness of our divine and cosmic Self is but an initial step in the return to sentient participation in the eternal and glorious life of Being. This adventure will certainly continue to unfold. May the following pages be of assistance as you seek to fulfill your divine commission.
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The reader should not be deterred by some possibly unfamiliar language. A small glossary is provided, and for the willing, spacious reader any challenge will quickly fade. The capitalization of some words is not always grammatically accurate or consistent, but may convey nuances of meaning which must be spiritually discerned.