Tori Donnelly has been soulmates with Matt and Jake for thousands of years, with Hayley usually on the periphery of their soul group as a frenemy.
In her latest incarnation, Tori is grieving the death of her boyfriend Matt, when she dies in a car accident that also kills her friend Hayley and the other driver Jake, a stranger who recognizes her but calls her the wrong name before dying in her arms.
Now Tori is in Heaven and Matt is her annoying peer counselor tasked with preparing her for their next lifetime. But both Jake and Hayley have chosen Oblivion -- a dystopian world of negativity and daily disasters -- where any display of kindness is punished.
Tori refuses to reincarnate without her friends and demands a rescue mission. Her spiritual counselors tell her it can't be done -- especially not by such an unadvanced soul. But Tori needs to try -- even if it means she may get trapped in Oblivion for an eternity with them.