About the author
Lauren Frank is a graphic designer, writer and artist. She uses her vast skill set to transcend one medium after another combining both the analog and digital words. Influenced by spiritual ideas and leaders, her goal is to help fellow human beings expand consciousness. From astrology to alchemy she has a passion for learning all there is to know about understanding one's purpose on this planet.
She graduated with a BFA in graphic design from the Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University in addition to studying in Rome, Italy. Her design portfolio can be found at laurenfrankdesign.com as well as on instagram and behance. She discovered her love for books in college when she was assigned to design them. Why stop there? This sparked the idea of creating her own, instead of using an existing copy. Utilizing her sarcastic and witty sense of humor allowed for her to find her own voice within her writing. For her thesis she designed and wrote her first book to self publish. Thus the No Bullshit Guide to Manifestation was born. In addition to designing all her own original assets for her book including the covers, she designed an entire exhibition. Her first solo gallery show, titled 111, was on view in August 2021 at the Da Vinci Art Alliance in Philadelphia, PA. The show incorporated a lot of similar designs and ideas from her book. It expanded and took over the three dimensional space in a very architectural sense to invite the viewer to further explore the spiritual ideas that both her writing and design communicate. Lauren is a very detail oriented experiential designer who keeps her audience in mind, as well as engaged in higher thinking.