Nature Gave Us Butterflies, Standard Edition is written for individuals with a life-limiting illness and their families who will be providing care for them. Written in an open and honest writing style, it gently delivers sensitive information in tandem with nature’s metaphor of the caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly. Nature Gave Us Butterflies, Standard Edition is packed with valuable content that is easy to understand and navigate. Divided into two sections, Part One addresses each patient symptom or challenge by topic for quick reference, and Part Two addresses these concerns from a chronological timeline so that family members have an idea of what to expect from the dying process. Educating oneself alleviates fear and anxiety related to end-of-life status changes and increases caregiver confidence. Regardless of culture or background, Nature Gave Us Butterflies, Standard Edition addresses common questions from families while providing gentle, yet straightforward information. This end-of-life care booklet is a tool that your entire family will refer to often to gain insight into the end-of-life experience.
Highlights and Topics Covered:
Part One covers Specific Symptoms and Issues:
•Pain Management: It’s Essential
•Decreased Food and Fluid Intake: Aren’t They Uncomfortable?
•Breathing Changes
•Confusion, Agitation, and Restlessness
•Skin Changes and Skin Care
•Changes in Elimination
•Socialization, Resolution, and Withdrawal
Part Two offers a Chronological Timeline, providing a gentle guideline regarding “what to expect” as the patient’s health declines:
•The Emotions of Goodbye
•One to Three Months Before Death
•One to Two Weeks Before Death
•Two Days to a Few Hours Before Death
•When Death Has Occurred
•In tandem with the chronological timeline, we gently relate the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual changes to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Using nature metaphors allows the hospice professional gently educate and connect to all backgrounds, cultures, and religions. Patients and families are empowered to care to their loved ones when they are educated and knowledgeable about the
needs of the dying patient. It is the hope of the author that this booklet provides comfort to caregivers experiencing the loss of a loved one.