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Book details
  • SubGenre:Personal Memoirs
  • Language:English
  • Pages:248
  • Paperback ISBN:9780980486254

My Wonderful Wobbly Life

A Disabled Man’s Autobiography

by Charles IRWIN

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Charles tells the story of his life so far. He makes the reader aware of the trials and tribulations which a physically handicapped person must overcome, to be accepted by society. Battling against the do-gooders who quoted theory. And were always telling him he was not capable of performing an action and must stop doing it. Even though doing it was part of his life e.g., that he was unable to ride the bicycle he was riding. His story is told in thirty chapters with titles such as Gratitude, Movement, Helping and Love. Each one followed by the lesson he learned about that aspect of his life.
This is the story of the different obstacles a disabled man was confronted with as he made his way in life. How he accepted and overcame them. Beginning his life with not being able to walk more than a few steps before falling over, becoming a boy scout and gradually being able to walk several miles with a pack on his back. Being directed to attend a special school for handicapped children, with a low academic level. Furthering his education at evening classes to become a Chartered Engineer, academically equivalent to a B.Sc. Starting his working life as cheap labour as an office boy and factory hand, to earning a professional’s salary. Charles' passion for helping people is shown by his activities as a Scout, a Rotarian and Freemason. As a child he was taken to a Spiritualist church, for 'faith healing', he became interested in spiritualism and healing. His curiosity was aroused, and he explored many alternative healing practices. Then as well as using spiritual 'laying on of hands' energy to heal with, he studied to become a hypnotherapist. Lessons he learned from the events recalled in each chapter are shared with the reader. A Jack of many trades and master of several. ‘Manufacturer of glass fibre products’ : ‘Laboratory technician – developing machine tool improvements – use of Dung beetles to control bush flies’ : ‘Tool-maker’ : ‘Spray-painter’ : ‘Patent examiner’ : ‘Art gallery curator’ : ‘Personal counsellor’ : ‘Tarot reader’ : ‘Masseur’. This story gives insight into many activities that an able-bodied man would have liked to experience. An inspirational tome.
About the author
Charles was born in London U.K. in 1932. During his birth the forceps slipped, resulting in brain damage to the motor control nerves of his right side and causing total body spasticity. However, his intellect was not damaged. Throughout his life the two adversaries, controllable brain and semi-controllable body, always needed to be balanced. After several years of work and study he became a Chartered Production Engineer. In 1971 he emigrated to Australia and became a senior examiner in the Australian Patent office. This autobiography illustrates the rhyme: “He started to sing as he tackled the thing, That couldn’t be done - but he DID IT!” Charles chronicles his journey from useless to useful, with humour and joie de vie. He pays tribute to friends who only gave him help when it was asked for. At a young age he recognized his psychic abilities and, by using lessons at the end of each chapter, shares some insights with readers

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