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Book details
  • Genre:POETRY
  • SubGenre:Women Authors
  • Language:English
  • Pages:72
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350986501

My Poetry Feet

A little tome of poetry & prose

by Elly LeBlanc

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The poetry and prose themes herein include the silly, the absurd, nature, change, childhood, motherhood, love, loss, and the descent into dotage and demise.
While compiling this book I had picked up a copy of The Ode Less Travelled by Stephen Fry. In it, he aims to "unlock the poet within." I had half a mind to contact him to see if he'd like to write a brief foreword, or, perhaps provide me with a pithy quote like the ones you see on the backs of other book covers. However, I swiftly emerged from that daydream as I don't know the bloke, and I'm sure he has better things to do. Just so you'll have some reasonable expectations though, I should point out that I'm no Wordsworth—but to paraphrase Mr. Fry that's not the point, is it? The point resides in doing it. Here I am then. Doing it. Exposing my poetic feet for anyone who cares to see them. This is preferable to my actual feet unless you have a bunion fetish…those beauties can be seen from space. And thank You dear reader, for taking some of your precious time to read my feet. The feet herein are clean for the most part, and vary in theme to include the silly, the absurd, nature, change, childhood, motherhood, love, loss, , and the descent into dotage and demise. And if I may, I hope you will feel like you got your words worth—so to speak. Cheers! Elly, Winter 2024, p.s. If that little play on Wordsworth didn't at least make you groan, we can't be friends.
About the author
Elly LeBlanc (aka) The Late Bloomin' Author was born and raised in England, and has lived in Southern California since 1984.

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