It is comforting to know that our Lord and Savior will never leave us nor forsake us. Unlike many people who claim to be our friends, Jesus will be “closer than a brother.” While many of our friends may come and go, we can rest assured that Jesus will always be with us.
This book is both my testimony of how I came to know without a doubt that God IS my close Friend, and a biblical teaching of how He will always be our constant companion if we will allow Him. God loves us and He desires to be a major part of our lives. God’s Word says, “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.” (St. John 10: 29) No man or demon in Hell can snatch you from our Father’s love! It is by our own choosing that we depart from God. However, if we do depart from Him and go back into sin, there is hope! We CAN return, like the prodigal son (See St. Luke 15: 11 – 31). Our Father will always welcome us with His arms opened wide!