What makes a person 'tick?'
This book is a must for individuals wanting to know about all the drives that combine to produce behaviour. It is a must for all business if these organisations are going to harness the positive attributes of their employees to help them become both more productive and profitable.
Where does motivational drive come from? This book addresses this question and presents an overview of the many drives that can influence a person to behave in the way in which they do.
Motivation is looked at in terms of attaining life success and personal / work achievement,. Factors such as the importance of a nurturing environment; the importance of positive reinforcement, encouragement and praise; and aiming for the best in life are discussed. The book focus is on individuals and organisations: exploring how individuals can evaluate their organizations when looking for jobs, before becoming employees. It is a useful aid for individuals and enterprises that want to know how organisations can harness the motivational forces of employees to support overall improved productivity and profit making.
Two case studies are presented to analyze motivational forces towards the end of the work and these can be helpful to students studying organisational and behavioural psychology. The book is illustrated throughout with humorous 'Ant & Tiger' cartoons characteristic of Elizabeth Wallace books.
The book contains many life practical examples gained over thirty years of working in assorted organizational and entrepreneurial business environments. It also gives an insight into the personal life of Elizabeth Wallace; the circumstances and drives that she experienced that shaped her to become the success that she is in life.